Are you looking to gain confidence in the gym and make true progress with your training?

Then let's get started with my 3-month Kickstart Program!

Over the next three months, I’ll help you build confidence by teaching you proper exercise techniques, how to use gym equipment effectively, and how to progress and vary your exercises. You'll also learn to train at the right intensity for YOU, ensuring you get the most out of every session.

Together, we’ll focus on improving your mobility, strength, and overall fitness to enhance your daily life. Whether your goal is to boost your energy levels, reduce aches and pains, or simply feel better about your routine and the results you're achieving, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

In addition to fitness training, we'll discuss nutrition, stress management, and sleep habits that will help you make lasting progress, not just in the gym but in your overall quality of life.

Upon completing your Kickstart Program, you can join my online community for continued support, monthly programs, accountability, and discounted personal training sessions.

Kickstart Program Timeline
Consultation (Free)

We’ll start with a free consultation where we get to know each other, discuss your goals, and map out a plan for your journey.

Week 1 - 4

In our first session, we’ll conduct a movement assessment to evaluate your current fitness level. From there, I’ll design a bespoke training program tailored to your starting point. We’ll work on mobility, bodyweight basics, dumbbell exercises, and cardio to build a strong foundation.

Week 5 - 8

Once you’re comfortable with the initial exercises and equipment, we’ll introduce kettlebell and barbell exercises, increasing the intensity of our sessions to challenge you further.

Week 9 - 12

As you become more competent, we’ll explore exercise variations, review any exercises you want more coaching on, re-assess your fitness, and make any necessary adjustments or progressions.

Week 12+

After the program, you can continue with 1-on-1 personal training or join my online group coaching (launching soon) to stay accountable and keep progressing in your training.

Let’s work together to transform your fitness journey and improve your quality of life!

What to expect:

1. Personalised Consultation:  
We start by discussing what's most important to you—your goals, what you want to achieve from the program, and how you envision your future.

2. Tailored Workouts:
Each week, we’ll meet at The Unit (Saddleworth) for 1-on-1 sessions tailored to your needs.

In addition to these sessions, you'll receive customised online workouts to complete on your own via my downloadable App, ensuring continuous progress in your fitness journey.

3. Nutritional Guidance:
To maximise your results, we'll review your current nutrition and lifestyle habits, offering guidance to help you get the most from your training and enjoy the benefits in your everyday life.

If you're ready to make changes to become fitter, stronger and more confident in the gym, then click the button below to get started!

Is it for you?

1. Are you still unsure of what to do in the gym?

2. Do you feel like you’re not making the most of your time in the gym?

3. Do you feel your efforts aren’t making a difference to your fitness, aches, pains and injuries or everyday life?

4. Are you looking for guidance, clarity and accountability with your training?

Then yes, this is for you and we should work together on this!

Your Investment

3-Month Coaching Package -
£597 upfront

Monthly Coaching Package -
£199 per month

Online Membership -
coming soon

Client Stories:

Story 1:
How were you feeling before your first session?

"I was nervous to start with, however, became very easily relaxed due to your relaxed and kind nature."

How did you feel after your first session?
"Amazing! I was so happy that I was being educated on how to do movements properly."

What did you learn/take away from your training?
"How to do movements properly (this massively helped as I can have issues with my back and performing the movements correctly can help with my back pain). I also learned the importance of stretching! On a deeper level, when I first started, all I was focused on was losing weight. To some degree, I still am because that is my goal, but Georgina made me realise there is so many more aspects to health and ways we can keep track of progress."

Story 2:
How were you feeling before your first session?
"Very nervous!! Never had PT training before, or been in a proper gym for a long time."

How did you feel after your first session?
"A lot less nervous than when I arrived! Everything was thoroughly explained to me throughout the session, and Georgina was great, very easy to get on with!"

What did you learn/take away from your training?
"Firstly, Georgina was very approachable and patient which I very much appreciated!
The gym and equipment are fantastic, with a laid-back atmosphere.
The program was explained to me in detail, and how the PT sessions would progress.
The home training sessions were shown and explained (the videos are a great help!).
I was nervous about some of the exercises before turning up, but learnt quickly that every exercise was going to be shown to me in detail, how to use correct form and that it's ok to make mistakes!

Having struggled for over a decade to get back into any real kind of fitness training, this program has really made me want to train more, and more importantly to stick with it! The fitness/mental benefits from completing the pathway have been massive for me, so it's made me want to continue training and to make it a big part of my life again."

Story 3:
How were you feeling before your first session?
"Nervous as it was my first ever time having a PT session, but also excited, and was put at ease immediately."

How did you feel after your first session?
"Learnt a lot and had lots to put into practice outside of the programme, I felt focused and excited to make progress."

What did you learn/take away from your training?
"Georgina gave me some useful exercises for my weak wrist and ankle which were super helpful and I’ve been doing a lot of, but the things that have stuck with me the most is how she corrected my form, eg in a squat pushing the ground away with your feet and really only using your legs, I don’t know what I was really doing before but the way I squat has totally changed and I now feel confident using a barbell in the gym on my own. Also engaging my core, I had heard this phrase before but never really knew what it meant or how to put it into practice, now it’s something I think about all the time during my sessions."

Story 4:
How were you feeling before your first session?
"I was a little bit nervous but once I got started I was fine and felt at ease."

How did you feel after your first session?
"I felt really good and couldn’t wait for my next session."

What did you learn/take away from your training?
"Once I started my first session with Georgina we went through some mobility exercises which we went through that I can do at home after work. I also gained confidence and experience with mobility work, different exercises and using different equipment like dumbbells and kettlebells."

Story 5:
How were you feeling before your first session?
"Nervous! But felt completely at ease once I arrived!"

How did you feel after your first session?
"To have the confidence to give everything ago, as there is always someone there to offer advice if something doesn’t feel right."

What did you learn/take away from your training?
"The importance of mobility at the start of the sessions. I’ve taken some of the sequences away and use them at home when I’m aching after sitting at a desk all day. I've also gained the confidence to give everything ago, G is always there to offer advice if something doesn’t feel right."



That's ok!

I understand that committing to a program can feel like a big step, and you might be questioning if it’s the right time to invest in yourself. From my experience, there’s rarely a “perfect time” to start—but that’s exactly why I’m here. I’ll help you navigate the ups and downs of life, working together to make progress whenever and wherever we can. The benefits will show up in your everyday life, making the journey worthwhile.

If you’re still unsure, why not start small? Download my free Nutrition Blueprint to kickstart your journey, and come back when you’re ready to take the next step.

Click the button below to download your FREE copy!
Georgina Creed Online Personal Training
BSc Sports and Exercise Science
Level 3 Personal Trainer

Certified Pre and Post Natal Coach
Menopause and Women's Specialist